The human and animal waste has been of concern to every society and the concerned local authorities have set up waste collection and disposal systems. There are numerous reasons why we need to be concerned with human and animal waste in every community.
It is costly to dispose, and the generation of large amounts of this waste affects the environment, especially water table and other water bodies within the vicinity of drainage system. Human and animal waste contaminates water and this pose health hazards to humans. Biogas technology can help farmer communities in Uganda achieve some of the MGDs, especially MDG 7 and MDG 8.
The proposed project will ensure that scientific approach takes the center stage and efficiency in the operation developed designs of biogas systems which are affordable and maintainable.
Some important factors like optimum design of plant, use of efficient burners and optimum utilization of digested slurry. The aim of this project therefore is to come up with simple techniques of installing efficient and low cost biogas and create awareness on the benefits of biogas technology among the beneficiary farmer cooperatives. Low cost and efficient different types of biogas plants will be installed to act as demonstration models.
After 6-12 months, these plants will be evaluated in order to find out the most suitable
technology and cost efficient to the community. Afterward, training courses for artisans and other interested groups will be held on how to install and manage biogas plants, manure and growing high value crops.

Enriching people’s lives by enabling every household to access clean water, organic
fertilizer, energy (Biogas) practice safe sanitation and improve nutrition, food
production and storage and raise income.
Our main aim and objective is to do justice climate system by cutting down the greenhouse gas emissions from animal waste by using simple technologies to curb their release into the atmosphere. Motivated by this, we propose for the construction of bio-digesters in all project beneficiary communities to contain human and animal waste and make biogas to be used for cooking and lighting, since many households which are remote from main sewage facility services have problems with waste disposal.
The impacts of human and animal waste on the environment will be reduced as the project improves sanitation in turn reducing health risks and smell for both pig farmers and neighboring residents, at the same time curbs methane emissions. Anaerobic digestion process is very effective at destroying wide range pathogens like E-coli. This greatly reduces the incidence of water-borne infectious diseases and parasitic infections, as related medical expenses. This is because the process occurs in aid of bacteria and is temperature sensitive (range is 6- 80°).
Basic biogas system involves an anaerobic digester (usually underground) with an inlet pipe, an outlet pipe, and a tube for the biogas. The feedstock is pig waste plus water. It ferments in the digester tank to produce biogas, which contains 60-70% methane (CH4). The basic chemical reaction is:2 C + 2 H2O » CH4 + CO2.
The decomposition of waste matter by anaerobic bacteria occurs in two phases: acidic anaerobic bacteria break down the organic waste into peptides, glycerol, alcohol, sugars that are then further converted by other anaerobic bacteria into methane and carbon dioxide.
The biogas plants will have various pig house connections and one extra connection to feed the digester with any other waste available within the place of use such as cows, human and kitchen waste. Upon digestion and producing biogas, this waste will be ejected from the digester to the composition pits. This process converts the animal waste into a fertilizer for gardens to enhance food production, cooking and lighting home.
Overall objective: To contribute to greenhouse gas emission reduction through the development of a viable biogas plants to every pig project beneficiary in Uganda.